​​​​Hands on Nature 


Upcoming Events


Join us for Homeschool Classes!

Programs available after school in local towns

Now doing educational programs at schools statewide

Visit us at local Libraries across the state !  

"In the end, we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand,
and we will understand only what we are taught."

- Baba Dioum

Hands on Nature is an educational, outdoor nature program available to students from preschool to high school, located in Berlin, Massachusetts. 



Our mission at Hands On Nature is to connect children to the natural world through educational hands-on experiences. 

We provide a place for children to explore, enjoy, and directly experience the beauty of the natural world.  We believe children learn best in an outdoor classroom, getting their hands dirty and experiencing nature’s wonders firsthand. 


Our vision is that children will develop a renewed sense of their connection to the Earth, a deepened respect for the beauty of the natural world, and a sense of their place in it. By nurturing a deeper relationship between children and the Earth, we strive to create future stewards of the land.


Our mission provides a clear focus and direction for our programs. Through our Summer Program, After School Classes and Homeschool Program we get children back outdoors and immersed in our natural world. Our Library Programs and School Programs bring educational experiences into the libraries and schools, and provide hands-on learning in an indoor setting. Our Birthday parties are increasing in popularity as an alternative to indoor 'laser tag' parties.  Learn more about each of these on our Program pages!

Hands on Nature • 67 Carter Street, Berlin MA 01503 • (508) 981-1335 • handsonnature@gmail.com • A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

           Connecting children to their natural world through outdoor educational hands-on experiences